Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 23: Core Synergistics

So I'm on Week 4, which is recovery week. Yesterday I was supposed to do yoga, but I wasn't feeling up to it, so I doubled up today. I did Yoga X this morning, and then I did the workout I was supposed to do today, Core Synergistics, a couple hours ago. Yoga was fine...not much to report with that, except that I've been having some pain in my right elbow when I put weight on it. I'm not sure what to do about that, and the pain goes away after I'm done working out, so I guess I'll just try to work around it next time I do yoga.

Core synergistics was interesting. It was my first time doing it, so I had to learn all the new exercises. It was pretty good, and I'm sure I'll do better on Wednesday, which is the next time I have to do it. At least then I'll have some more idea of what I'm doing! I don't think it's ever going to be my favorite workout, but it's not bad. Also, I realize that I only do it twice this week and then twice during week 8, and then that's it. So if I don't like it as much as the others, it's really not a big deal.

Kenpo X tomorrow! I like it.

I have to fold my laundry before I go to bed since there's a big pile of it on the bed right now. Folding laundry might be my least favorite chore to do. Oh well. I'd rather fold laundry than do another tumor board, which I have to do tomorrow. Hopefully it won't take too much time out of my day, but I'm not feeling too optimistic about that. I don't like Monday tumor board because I feel like it's hanging over my head all weekend, even if I already have the presentation prepared. Not cool. Blah. Two more weeks, and 5 more tumor boards, and then I'm done for a while. I'm looking forward to that.

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